Co-op Membership

Michigan Author and have a book to sell?
Join the KAN Books Co-op!

Place your books in our heart! Know Allegiance Nation Books or KAN Books is a co-op bookstore dedicated to authors and emerging authors of color in Michigan and around the globe.

Members help keep the store open by working shifts in the bookstore and bookstore pop-ups, inventorying products, collecting donations, recruiting new members, and being support during KAN Books and Co-op member events. Co-op members get a vote and help shape the future direction of the co-op bookstore.

Payments from products a co-op member places in the bookstore goes directly to co-op members. Additional benefits include discounts off space and equipment rentals, inclusion in our online marketplace, and placement of products at KAN Books vendor tables.  Co-op meetings are quarterly.

To sign-up or for more information please download application form: KAN Books Co-op Membership Form and/or contact us at

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