
How you can support Know Allegiance Nation: 

Volunteer with Know Allegiance Nation. We will need many hands to continue to reach our village building goals. This includes bookstore volunteers, potluck dish makers, registration tablers, slam judges, featured open mic artists, youth mentors, article/news leads, article writers, newsletter editors, event logistics and outreach support and more. Please email us if you are interested in volunteering: I Want 2 Be a KAN Volunteer!

Spread the word. Let people know we exist! We are on TwitterFacebook and WordPress. Please share this newsletter, our upcoming events and news.

Invite Operation Rebel to cover your event! We will document (audio record) your first event with us for free and then on a donation basis we can cover future events. Request here: Operation Rebel Media Partner Request.

Donate! If you are so inclined, monetary donations are always welcome. You can donate via making a check out to Allied Media Projects with Know Allegiance Nation in the memo line.

Donate stuff! We also accept donations of books! And writing supplies such as pens, pencils, and notebooks. We hope to give away book bags at our poetry slam, so donations of new book bags, dictionaries, and other school supplies are very welcome as well. Email us if you have items to donate: I Want 2 Donate Stuff.

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