On Saturday, April 7th, sign-up for the Illuminate: Literacy Entrepreneurs program!
Meet the instructor, meet past students, view poetic work, fill out a program application and eat pizza!
The Illuminate Program has been featured on PBS’ Detroit Performs, Riverwise Magazine, Adobe’s Creative Residency Zine publication and more! Check out the Detroit performs segment here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvngchiX2vI&t=2s.
Illuminate Literacy Entrepreneurs, a program of Know Allegiance Nation, seeks to increase literacy and encourage entrepreneurship in inner city youth ages 8-18 through creative writing and performance poetry. Students are taught various poetic devices, techniques and structures to add to their “poetic toolbox” to create work they can share via chapbooks, broadsides and audio projects. The students learn entrepreneurship skills by being encouraged to set prices and sell their chapbooks, broadsides and audio projects at a youth led open mic series they learn how to manage.
At the end of the 8-week program, the literacy entrepreneurs will have the chance to compete in a poetry slam for prizes that will support their poetic and entrepreneur endeavors. Prizes include technology, publication, performance and recording opportunities.
For more information, join us at the open house!
Adults interested in learning and refining their poetry and performance skills can sign-up for the Poetry As Visionary Resistance: Literacy By Any Means Workshop occurring on April 14th, here: poetryasliteracy.wordpress.com. The workshop is a collaboration between Petty Propolis and Know Allegiance Nation.