KAN Kwanzaa Celebration 2018, Dec 27th

Join us on Thursday for KAN 5th Kwanzaa Celebration. We are highlighting the principle of kujichagulia or self-determination and the first year anniversary of KAN Books! Its a potluck so bring an Afrikan inspired dish if you can. Kids are very welcome. Craft activities, drumming, a Kiswahili lesson, small open mic, a reading circle and more will occurring at the event. Door opens at 5pm, program gets started around 6pm. Marketplace/bookstore of co-op member items will also be open and items will be available for purchase. For more information please contact Jamii Tata at 313-473-7082 or knowallegiance@gmail.com.

#knowallegiance #kujichagulia #self-determination #Kwanzaa365 #kanbooks

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