Vanguard is requesting support and participation at the Detroit Land Bank Authority’s (DLBA) Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 20 at 11:00 am. Please contact Everett Stone at for more information about the North End Landing project.

Please see meeting link below:
DLBA April Board Of Director Meeting: Wednesday, April 20, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada). Please click here to see meeting agenda.
DLBA April Board Of Director Meeting will take place via Zoom meeting.
If participating online, simply click the link and follow any instructions you see or hear from the moderator:
If calling in by phone, enter the Meeting ID when prompted. When asked for the Participant ID, simply press the # key.
Join Zoom Meeting :
Meeting ID: 931 1929 3782
One tap mobile:
# US (Chicago): +13126266799 or 93119293782
# US (Washington D.C): +13017158592 or 93119293782